official photo request

The Wisconsin National Guard provides official photos (DA photos, command photos, military passport photos) at Joint Force Headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin.

To schedule a photo, log onto and ensure your VIOS profile (the My Profile link is in the upper right of the page) has Wisconsin Army National Guard as your installation. If you have ordered training materials from Fort McCoy, chances are very good that Fort McCoy is currently your installation in VIOS, so if you schedule an official photo you might be doing business with Fort McCoy. If you want to schedule an official photo in Madison, I say again, ensure that your VIOS profile has Wisconsin Army National Guard selected as your installation.

You will receive a calendar invitation confirming the date and time of your appointment. Calendar invites are sent to the email address provided on your VIOS work request, and are in Central Time. If the calendar invitation appears to be five or six hours later than you requested, your calendar may be set to ZULU time (Greenwich Mean Time). I will not change your appointment time without consulting you first — if your calendar invitation does not reflect the time you requested, contact me at the email listed below.

Additional DA photo restrictions are currently in effect. Contact with DA photo questions or concerns.

Passport photos are provided for military travel only. Please do not schedule a passport photo appointment for civilian/leisure travel.

Please ensure that your uniform is ready before you arrive for your appointment. We offer a full-length mirror, lint rollers and some other items in our studio to help you prepare for you photo. The studio has no changing room, but there are restrooms and locker rooms available at Joint Force Headquarters. We do not carry extra ribbons, badges, crests, accoutrements or devices.