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Dec. 30, 2020

Wisconsin Guard answered the call in 2020

MADISON, Wis. – This was the "Year of the Guard" across the nation, as Citizen-Soldiers and -Airmen answered the call in an unprecedented way – from traditional overseas deployments to civil disturbances, pandemic response, and election support. Nowhere in America was the "Year of the Guard" more prevalent than in the Badger State, where the state

Oct. 2, 2020

Wisconsin Guard 'Badgers' help fight California fires

FRESNO, Calif. – It took almost four days for two flight teams from the Wisconsin Army National Guard's 1st Battalion (Assault), 147th Aviation Regiment, 64th Troop Command, to fly their UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters more than 1,700 miles to California to help fight wildfires. Since that early-September trek, they haven't really stopped flying,

Aug. 6, 2020

Wisconsin National Guard to support Aug. 11 election

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin National Guard will assist local election officials as poll workers for the Aug. 11 primary elections across Wisconsin, Gov. Tony Evers announced Wednesday. The Guard is needed due to a critical shortage of poll workers stemming from concerns over COVID-19. Members of the Wisconsin National Guard reside in all 72

July 20, 2020

Wisconsin Guard, Papua New Guinea begin state partnership

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin National Guard was selected to begin a new state partnership with Papua New Guinea as part of the National Guard’s State Partnership Program. The Wisconsin National Guard maintains an existing state partnership with Nicaragua, which began in 2003. The State Partnership Program links individual states with armed forces

May 5, 2020

Wisconsin Guard conducts mobile testing around state

MADISON, Wis. – Eleven specimen collection teams from the Wisconsin National Guard are supporting state and local health departments to increase COVID-19 testing across Wisconsin. The teams, comprised of more than 300 Soldiers and Airmen, established mobile testing sites at correctional facilities and health clinics, private businesses and

April 20, 2020

Wisconsin Guard team testing inmates, staff at county prison

FRANKLIN, Wis. – Nearly 30 Wisconsin National Guard troops established a mobile COVID-19 testing site at the Milwaukee County House of Corrections to collect specimens from staff and inmates. Milwaukee County asked the Wisconsin National Guard to assist after multiple cases of the coronavirus were reported at the facility. Guard members reported to

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